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Soup Can Storage

We have all seen these handy dandy soup can organizers:

Very handy, but also super pricey.  Instead of investing a small fortune for some of these, Amy from Then She Made came up with this idea:

She used an empty soda fridge pack, prettied it up with some patterned paper, and you have the same concept for a lot less money.  I am wondering what you could do with some fabric and mod podge.

You can see how she made this one HERE.


Annie said...

I like the concept, and she executed it flawlessly, but I would wonder how sturdy it is. I definitely don't store quite enough cans to warrant purchasing the expensive plastic ones. But who owns a dozen chicken noodle soups at one time?

Overall, love your blog though. Even though I don't throw parties, I can't wait to decorate for Halloween and the holidays now! =D

Janiece said...

I saw this last night, I agree what a great idea.
I always have a pantry full of soup and tomato cans and ect.

HouseMama said...

LOVE.this.idea!!! What a thrifty way to organize. Thanks for posting.

Lorie said...

Annie, it definitely doesn't work for everyone, but I actually do have a dozen chicken noodle soup cans. Actually not chicken noodle soup, but other canned goods. I try to keep a 3 month supply of our staple food on hand at all time in my pantry. Which would be why the tiny thing is full to the brim!

I think it would probably last a long time if you didn't move it around a ton. If you tired to lift it a lot it would probably rip, but if you drink soda on a regular basis you would always have a replacement.

Amy said...

Ya, I have a bunch of soup on hand too and this container actually is pretty sturdy. The paper with mod podge gives it more durability. Plus, if you have enough soup to fill up one container, you can stack another one on top. They work great for my needs and I really like how it keeps the cans together. It was a simple and inexpensive fix for my food storage so I'm happy with the outcome.

Andrea said...
