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Check Your Pockets Laundry Sign

Brittany from Love Stitched made this cute sign (and basket) for her laundry room:

I love the little basket, but we wouldn't need a basket.  The washer (that is me) gets to keep whatever she finds in pockets.  (Unless of course she doesn't want it!)  It is a trick I learned from my Grandma.  Any money found in the wash became her property.  And she usually gave it all to me.  It was a pretty sweet deal.


alicia said...

I SOOO need this. What a fab idea, like always.

Caitlin said...

I like the idea, but I don't think it would work well, since my family doesn't take off their pants in the laundry room. I'm usually the one checking the pockets, and I either keep things or throw them away. It's a cute sign, though.

Gabby Malcuit said...

Awesome. We definitely need this, and I like your rule.

Jodi Nelson said...

This is awesome!

Melissa Miller said...

That is the cutest!

Suzanne said...

My favorite sign with this wording. So cute!

Lorie said...


I was thinking of using it more as a place where I would put the things I find and then the people could come look for them.

Anonymous said...

This is such a great idea. I happen to be the one that forgets to check the pockets.