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Happy Ground Hog Day!

Does anyone celebrate Ground Hog Day?  We always have, but only because it is my Grandma's Birthday.  She is 90 today and I am super sad that I am not going to be with her to celebrate.  (Like actually tearting up as I write a stupid blog post about a ground hog sad.)

But considering it was 30 degrees here yesterday, I think I might actually start caring if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow or not.

So after we are done singing Happy Birthday via video chat, I think we are going to watch this:

Did you know that the Ground Hog (the animal, not the movie) has it's own website.  And that you can sign up to receive a text message with this years prediction.  The Hog has gone hi tech!


Darla said...

I do wonder what the prediction will be..Happy Birthday to your Grandma..

CHER said...

Our Grandmas birthday today too!!! She is turning 88!!! Happy Birthday to your Grandma!!

just call me jo said...

I celebrate Ground Hog Day because it's the day I left a bad (abusive/alcoholic) marriage 33 years ago. I always dance a happy dance (in my head) on this day. Happy birthday to the grandma too.

Susan at Charm of the Carolines said...

We don't usually celebrate Groundhog Day, but my friend Phil sent me a great recipe this morning for Groundhog Pie. He's such a Grizzly Adams kind of guy! I don't think that is how you are supposed to honor the most famous weather prognosticator!


Biscuits 'N Gravy said...

One of the best movies of all time! Enjoy!

Jessie Brown said...

Happy Birthday to your grandma! :) It's my sister's birthday today too!

Colleen { HappyLittleArt } said...

Happy Birthday to your Grandma!!

We are having a CHUCK roast for dinner tonight with Spring veggies..hehe I may have to go rent Ground Hog Day for fun too!!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday to your Grandma. Hopefully you can speak to her on the phone. My own grandmother passed away this past Thursday. She was 91. Hug your grandmother extra long next time you see her, please.

Lauren said...

I HATE that movie. God, it drives me bonkers! But guess what? The husband loves it, of course!

Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

I'm sorry you missed your Gramma's birthday! I love that movie too! So hilarious.

Janiece said...

Once upon a time...
Have we already had it this year???
and what did Phil say???