I now officially need a game room. Why? Because of this from Infarrantly Creative:
She has decorated her room with the boards from her kids favorite games. But not just for looks. The pieces to those games are tucked away behind there. You have to go HERE to check it out. AMAZING!
I hate the boxes that boards games come in and have never understood why some company that makes Tupperware type stuff has never come out with boxes that are the size of board games! Now I can stop waiting for that and just frame them. All I need is a game room!
That is so creative and cool!
So clever! They do actually make a hard plastic box for specific games. They are called game savers and I know they are available at container store.
i love this idea, although our house right now is not big enough to find wall room.. no game room here.
Now my house in Utah, that is another story. But I don't live there any longer..lol
Thanks for the shout out Lorie. It looks like I got that same spam comment this morning. Isn't that frustrating? Grrrrr!
I love this idea! We have some board games hanging in our upstairs room, but we did it the old-fashioned way - behind glass with the pieces glued on. Pretty, but not nearly as cool as leaving the games functional! (And saving on storage space at the same time!) I might need a "do over" on ours!
I LOVE this idea and really want to do it. Thanks for finding all the creative stuff in the world. I would have never thought of that. Very clever.
Love it! We have a playroom this would be PERFECT in :)
Ohhhh, cool beans :-) And if you wanted to get really crazy, I bet you could frame (or at least mount on a fabric stretcher) a Twister mat! :-D
Endless possibilities = fun.
Brilliant! I am doing this!! Thanks for finding such awesome ideas!
Amazingly cute idea! If I had a house, I'd have a game room ;)
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