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Should Be Silent Sunday: Ho Ho Ho

Every once in a while I find gorgeous pictures that don't really have a project or a craft associated with them...they are just pretty. And I always save them and think I will just post them on Sundays and use the whole Silent Sunday idea. Just post pictures. No words.

But then I always want to talk about them! So it is more of a Should Be Silent but I can't keep my mouth shut Sunday. So that being said...

I found these pictures at Pretty Organized Place:

She didn't have a source, but the wreaths hanging from the curtain rod in the window are fabulous!

And so is this one:

I always just hang my wreaths on the front door. How boring is that!!

And in completely un-wreath related ideas, the framed silhouettes on this tree are sort of to die for:

How fun would it be to do silhouettes of your family every year and use them as Christmas ornaments! How I wish I would have though of this 8 years ago!


Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

I really do like the wreaths on that drapery rod...really a unique idea.

What a lovely room.

Lori said...

I want to move into the house that has that first living room. That is gorgeous!!

Jenny said...

Love the wreaths in these pictures. I've seen something similar at Michaels! And that green wreath (is that hydrangea) hanging in the window is amazing. Even though the silhouettes were un-wreath-lated they were different and cute! ha!

Hildie said...

White furniture? Ha! (A girl can dream, though, right?)

Pretty Organizer said...

Ahhh!!! I didn't give a source? So sorry! They are all from BHG!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

How gorgeously homey yet chic that first room is!