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Spooky Candles

Remember the Spooky Photo Gallery I posted a couple of weeks ago:

Well I found what it is missing. Those candelabras need THESE candles that I found at Terramisu is Getting Crafty Too:

A little melted red candle and you have a spooky candle stick! You have to go check out her post here and see what the candelabra used to look like.


Jess said...

Wow! This is perfect for halloween!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by on my SITS Day!!

Love your spooky candles! I have been trying to think of cheap Halloween decor ideas! Thanks!

Stephenie said...

How cool..Very spooky to.. I also love the holloween ornaments on you last post... You really do always post the cutest things..Love it..

terramisu said...

Wow! I am so excited that I was feaured on your bloggy! Thanks!

Infarrantly Creative said...

Oh that is just plain wrong...eee gads!

Sherri said...

Love them! Great spooky addition!