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Haunted House

Oh Janiepie, how I do love you. And your really cute Halloween decorations:

Some old birdhouses, some black paint and a little distressing and you have yourself a haunted house and a VERY cute Halloween decoration!! And she is selling them on her Etsy store!

The boy has a birdhouse that he made at Cub Scouts. He hasn't painted it yet. I wonder if I can talk him into painting it black?

I just asked him and he said YES!! Hee Hee! I am so excited!


Loralee and the gang... said...

Great Idea - and of course The Boy would let you paint it black? What other color is there?
And I Love the cute marshmallow canvases...maybe that is some art that I could attempt!

Unknown said...

Stopping by from SITS to say hi. This is a fabulous idea! The creativity out there just amazes me sometimes. Probably because I have none of it, LOL!

Have a blessed day!

Meg said...

Those are really cute!

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Ashley's Thrifty Living said...

Those are really cute! Hmmm I have an extra bird house laying around.....I might just paint it as well!

crazigirl80 said...

I'm soooooo excited about the Fall/Halloween posts!!! It is 98 degrees here (N CA) and Fall can't get here soon enough!!!!

Amy said...



I am a huge halloween fan. I love your bird house idea. Very clever. I think I will try it. Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed my visit to your blog!

jannypie said...

thanks for the feature!!

Randi said...

Absolutely DARLING.

Lisa Anne said...

I think they sell these at the Dollar Tree. I believe I've seen similar ones there, you just need to paint them black. They will be small which could be good because if you get a bunch of them you can make a spooky deserted town.