I thought it would be fun to have everyone that reads my blog comment and post a link to their blog. I know I read some of them, but I know there are a lot of you that I don't know about. Google Analytics says so.
So come out of hiding and shoot me a link to your little corner of the world wide web. If you don't blog, or your blog is private, you can still just say hi!
For me.
1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»Oh I love your blog. I read it every day, sometimes twice a day. My blog is www.casadetootiebabies.blogspot.com would love to have you visit.
Your blog is adorable! I love it and just joined! My blog is http://tinasz.blogspot.com. I am a little new to blogspot but bare with me :)
Hi- I am new here- from about a week ago- I am loving it so far :)
Yep, been reading your blog for quite a while now.
You can find me at www.caziertm.blogspot.com
I love, love, love your blog! THanks so much for finding so many adorable ideas! My blog is www.kirstenmattanddanny.blogspot.com
I, too, enjoy reading your blog. My blog is www.graymattersmd.blogspot.com - been a big slacker with it lately.
i find lots of fun projects on your blog!
Mine is
Are you kidding me? ;-)
I read your blog faithfully. I get the best ideas from you!
Mine is nancywiebel.blogspot.com
You don't need my comment here because you know I love you. But I also know how much I love to see that comment number rise, so I'll add to the rising :). Your blog is fabulous.
Love it... www.PICKmeg.com
I LOVE, LOVE your blog! You always have great ideas! My family blog is private, but I also just started a seperate blog.
You know I adore you!!
Love your blog! It one of the few that I will click outside of my Google reader thread to read.
You know I read.
Since you asked, I will reveal myself! ;o)
Love your blog! You have the most wonderful things to share, Sweets! www.perfectisboring.blogspot.com Lori
i love your blog. www.rebos2003.blogspot.com
Any blog with flip flops for a header is the place for me.
I get great ideas from your blog and I love that you are so consistent in posting.
Thanks so much for the nudge to comment.
Carry on
I'm a religious follower of your blog.
I'm at www.richinscorner.blogspot.com
I love all the ideas you find :)
Love your blog and your great ideas.
I'm a faithful fan of your Blog. I read you ALL the time but seldom comment as there are so many others
who do.
Yep, me, me!!! ;)
I love your blog! Looks like I'm the only one without a blog of my own... I live vicariously through all you creative people.
Hi, love your blog.
I like your blog! So full of great ideas. I've been reading for a few months.
Love all your ideas...I get your blog in my google reader. Thanks!
I love your blog! I'm planning to use several of your posts as inspiration for my new condo in the fall :)
Hey! I love your blog! I usually check in daily!
Been reading for awhile http://www.manicmother.com
I read/follow you my dear.
Been here a while. Get some cool ideas from you.
Click on my name to find my blog.
Beware of the randomness.
I ♥ your blog- Here's mine
Blog: http://kellyannstudio.blogspot.com
Website: www.KellyAnnStudio.com
your blog is great! i read every post! i have your button in a prime spot just cuz i love it so
I also love your blog. The ideas are always so fun!! I have a craft blog but I don't update very often (especially since I had my baby)! Stop by and visit anyway... malscraftcloset.blogspot.com
I love your blog. I check it for updates several times a day!
I love your blog! But I'm sure you know that by how often my browser shows up here :)
love your blog! Loyal follower from Sydney Australia!
Hi Lorie.
I love your blog. I've said it before. I'm getting a crazy amount of ideas from you, btw. I also think it's super cool that you share the love and spread the word around blogland about all of the fantastically talented people out there.
Here my link:
BTW: I have an award over there for you. It's from a few days ago.
What a fun idea!
You're on my blog roll!
i read your blow all the time, whenever i am bored. you know my sister, maddy rogers. anyway, mine is: www.tootinghilarious.blogspot.com. but it's pretty boring.
i read it EVERY day.
Oh, I've been here once or twice...a day. ;D
Actually, I'm trying to comment less on people's blogs so they don't think I'm a stalker.
Hi! I pop on here to read your blog quite frequently. Can't remember if I've left a comment before now or not, but thanks for all the awesome ideas! ~Melissa
i love your blog!! i have already noted the baby clothes quilt for later... :)
my blog:
I would never miss your blog- it's so full of great ideas! Come om by if you haven't yet-
:) janice
hello! great ideas here! i check in everyday.
I love your blog!!! the time you spend hooking us up with ideas is SO appreciated :). you can find me at www.3littleschwadlings.blogspot.com! not as "cool" as your blog... but i'm learning! :)
Love it when I open my blog roll and see your updates! Keep on trucking!
I just found your blog and I love it! Come visit mine-hautemamaof2.blogspot.com.
I LOVE your blog! You point me in so many fabulous directions...you're like my own personal blog shopper! ;-)
Jori at Jeff & Me + Three
I read your blog, and I love it! I come from a crazy little world known as www.felkerfamily.blogspot.com
I am teaching myself how to sew and came across your blog. I think it's really neat and I love the motto "Be Different...Act Normal. Very neat!
I LOVE your blog!!!! you take the hard work out of finding such cute things, thanks for sharing!!!!
I like your blog! Here is a link for mine: http://www.days-of-natasha.blogspot.com/
I can't even remember how long I have been reading your blog. It's fantastic. I always read your posts thinking "I'll have to try that someday". Here's hoping someday will come soon!.
I totally read your blog. I have saved so many ideas and recipes from it that I need to start compiling them somewhere, not sure yet. I love all of your efforts. I am at: www.jeffandkristimiller.blogspot.com
I love your blog, although I don't comment as often as I would like!Seriously. I especially love the peanut butter and chocolate recipes.
I read on a regular basis, just don't comment much. Love the ideas you post. I have a crochet/bake/learning to knit/learning to sew blog.
Hey, I'm here. I read! Well, I mean Me and my bestie GOOGLE READER. She's my bestie b/c she does all my dirty work. I never have to go thru ALL my blogs to see what's new! And whadda ya know...you're always there! So all you 57 or so that posted before me...why don't ya'll come on over, check me out, add me to YOUR BESTIE and we'll all be friends!
See the blue? You know it makes you wanna click...SO CLICK ALREADY
I'm new, but love your stuff. Just moved from AZ to ID and adjusting with my lil' family. Keep on postin'!
This is one of my FAVORITE blogs....I love it!!!!
I love your blog...wish I had half the cute ideas you seem to run across!~
I'm a recent reader of your blog--the last 6 months or so, but I love it!! Come on over--there's plenty of room for everyone.
I also love your blog, I would pretty much say I am addicted!
I love your blog! My blog is erinojackson.blogspot.com
I have been sneaking a peak for awhile now. You find cute stuff! Too much cute stuff actually! Now my "things to make pile" just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
I love your blog!
I love your blog too!
I have read every post since I discovered you a few months ago :o) And I love this post... I may find new people to follow!
Just wrote a new post - won't you stop by?
I am your biggest fan. I read it at least 8 times a day... much more than you update it. My blog is http://thegrondahls.blogspot.com/
I love your blog, and read every post!!
Thanks for everything you do!
I love all your cool posts! My lil ole blog is www.brancelkat.blogspot.com
I love the ideas I've gotten from your blog!
I'm from
I read you all the time!! I have not been blogging much but am about to get started back.
Love your ideas!!! My blog is www.mymixofsix.blogspot.com
I've been inspired many times by your blog--love it! Thank you !!
I looove all the things you post! Half of the memory on my computer is probably taken up by all of these ideas and pictures and recipes I save. :]
I've been a bit of a slacker this summer...but I'm still here!
Love your blog and read it almost daily (if not more)! Thanks for all the great posts!
I'm a fan!
your blogs great! I read it once a week and its my favorite thing to do on sunday's except for taking a nap...
I love your blog and the great ideas that you find.
My blog is
Wow! I'm impressed that so many people are de-lurking! Way to go!
love this blog!! my blog is
I love your blog! :) love your posts and the flip flops on top! your blog I can relate to! :) Erin
I absolutely love your blog! I think it was one of the first ones I became addicted too. I have a craft blog at sewincrediblycrafty.blogspot.com
I read your blog! (what a great idea to get to know your readers!)
I read you too!
hi! Always fun to see ideas, even if i don't have time for any of them. foreverfife {dot} blogspot, and our photog blog: fifephotography {dot} blogspot :)
You know I read you! Love it! MWAH!
Wow, apparently *many* people read your blog :) Awesome. I'm new here - joined up within the last few days. Lovin' it! www.flatcreekfarm.blogspot.com
Love your blog!!!
I don't know how you are able to post so often.
Thanks for surfing blogland for us
Mine is private but I love checking out your blog because it makes my life easier. I get to see some of the best ideas from around the web and it's done in a short-cut kind of way. Thanks!
Ooh, and I think it's great that you featured my friend Pumpkin Petunia not too long ago. Keep your eye on her, she's brilliant!
How can I say no to someone who provides daily delight like you do?
My blog is http://temporaryinsanitybykym.com which has almost nothing in the way of delightful domesticity and instead serves as a cheap form of therapy for my slightly loopy self.
I absolutely LOVE your blog. I even shared it with a bunch of people I know. =)
I do read your blog, but an horrible at leaving comments. I know, so bad. I am using the excuse that I am using my google reader on my iPod and it is such a pain to leave comments. http://embracethechaos-lene.blogspot.com/
I have also really enjoyed your blog!
A little blog hop party here is a good idea!
Mine is titled ACU's, Stiletto Shoes, and Pretty Pink Tutus.
I read your blog all the time...love it!
Hi, I love your blog. My husband and I are building a house, so I am getting all sorts of fun ideas. I would give you a link to my blog, but it is private. Keep up the awesome job!
I follow your blog and I love learning great "stuff" from you. Your blogalicious! You can find me here http://ithoughtsew.blogspot.com/
Thanx for sharing yourself with thw rest of us.
I'm a recent convert to your blog and I love it!!
I have a few blogs so you can just see them on my profile page...Keep up the awesome work :)
You post some of the cutest ideas that get me wanting to make ALL kinds of stuff! Thanks for all the great ideas!
I love your blog! You already know who I am! Thanks for following mine and commenting for me!
I read! I love. My blog is not a decor blog, just my family blog.
I read your blog and love it. http://sleeplessinwisc.blogspot.com
I love your blog! You are so creative and I love all the fun ideas you find. Miss you guys in the ward! jakeandmegs.blogspot.com
You sure have a lot of fans! I'm honored to be one of them :)
hi! I love your blog! It is the first one I read when I come home from work!
Michele Barry
I don't find time to update my blog as much as you do...but I hope someone might find it inspiring in some way or another :)
Found your blog a long time ago and had overwhelming bookmark links... until I gave in and switched all my bookmarks to FeedDemon and RSS subscription. Holy cow - it is so easy to keep up with all the stuff I love, and I've rediscovered your blog! It's charming and fun and just plain great. Keep it coming!
Becca - www.TheGreatMediocre.com
You asked for it - now you're going to get a hundred more blogs to read!! :)
I am new to blogland and I am loving everything about it. Your blog is one of my favorites.
Alright, alright. You caught me. I blog stalk you like everyday but this is my first comment. My name won't link to my blog so here it is:
Love your blog. You have great style and taste!
I love your blog!!!! Mine is kellybennettphotography@yahoo.com
I just recently found your blog. So many great ideas!
I have two blogs:
http://ladyriposter.blogspot.com (food blog) and
Thanks for creating such an interesting read!
I read your blog.
Wow, quite a few have already responded. I, too, read when I have time. www.kariessliceofheaven.blogspot.com
I'm a big fan I read your blog every day!!!
WOW!!! 111 comments!! Lots of reader you have!!
I love all your stuff you show us each day!!
I recently started reading your blog, but I have a link to it on my site because I love the ideas that you post!
Come visit us at www.cottagesisters.blogspot.com. We look forward to hearing from you.
Denise & Jill @cottagesisters
Hope you Enjoy.
I enjoy reading your blog. You are on my google reader so I get pop ups everytime you post something new.
My blog is abunchofbyrds.blogspot.com
I totally read your blog everyday and I love it.
I read you. All. The. Time.
I hope you have plenty of free time to read all these blogs :)
I read yours at least once a day. i love how brief your entries are; always something interesting; a little tidbit; and more than one a day! You Rock!
Mine is http://abidingthere.blogspot.com
I read your blog almost every morning while I have my coffee. I love it and click on your links. I am a very new blogger too.
Well you know I read your blog. Love love it! Keep up the good work.
I love your blog and visit several times a day. My blog is www.lisaferncreek.blogspot.com
Of COURSE I read your blog! Where else would I get a million fabulous ideas that I want to use but will never get around to? Wait - I did do one. The father's day pictures. Love them!
Yep I sure do. Came across your blog not too long ago but have enjoyed reading it and seeing all the great ideas.
Come by and say hi. I just got a new fun and funky layout:
Wow! What a response! Maybe I should do the same thing. Some of the days when I get the most traffic, I have the fewest comments!
I read your blog all the time! I know you've found mine before, since you've featured a couple of my ideas, but just in case it's gotten buried in the piles of creative blogs you sift through, you can find me at:
Thanks for all the inspiration!
Love your blog. Especially cooking ideas.
I love to read your blog. You have many good ideas. I have you in my Google Reader....
As you know, another faithful follower here! I may have to steal this idea and call out readers so I can visit them back!
Love your blog - lots of great ideas each day!! We have been subscribers for a few months now.
You can find us at
I read it everyday :D
I don't know how I found it but I love reading your blog.
Love your blog!! My blog is just my fam stuff. I love how you post everyday-one of my daily reads!
found your blog recently and love it and have passed you along to others. I use the rss feed so I don't miss any post. Thanks for all the great ideas!!!
oh and my blog is http://mitchell5family.blogspot.com/ but I haven't posted in forever.
Love the outflow of ideas...your blog keeps my creative side a boogy-in! Thanks!
Hi. Let's pretend that's really interesting, shall we?
Hi Lorie! I've found your blog recently and of course I'm following it too. My blogs are in Portuguese (my native language) but anyway here they go: http://sociedadedesocorroonline.blogspot.com and http://primariasudonline.blogspot.com
when I get a chance to read blogs - I always check yours (wouldn't want to miss out on a great idea!)!
I am so inspired, especially by your postings of baked goodies! Thanks for your wonderful postings!!!
My blog is about coupon wisdom, www.sharpenyourscissors.blogspot.com
I read your blog :) Mine isn't the best...I want to keep my updates and put all kinds of cool stuff on it...but I just can't find the time!
I love your blog! I get so many ideas here. I'm Mandi at Finding Home. www.mandicresswell.blogspot.com
love the blog. read it everyday.
I check your blog several times a day. I love it! I love the clever ideas and the ease of reading it.
I subscribe to your blog in my reader and love the ideas you post. I haven't kept up with my blog in forever, but the link is jenchambers.blogspot.com.
IMA reader too!
Love your blog...thanks for all the inspiration :)
I've been following for a week or so, but cant get a full post on bloglines.. stupid bloglines..
I love coming to your blog! So many great ideas, now if I would actually get motivated to try one! My blog is www.mylindasblog.blogspot.com
I read through a feed! :-) Love the cute ideas you find!
I love you blog! I follow and read thru google reader
I love your blog! Awesome! I do not have a blog... yet! amydhay@gmail.com
I just found your blog today & I made sure to bookmark it!
My blogs are:
i heart your blog. mine is kropfs.blogspot.com. thanks for all the lovely inspiration!
I love your blog and check it out daily! Thanks for all of the great ideas!
Love your ideas!
You're in my Google Reader... love the great ideas and references.
I know you know I read your blog.
And you know that I know you read my blog. So, here's the link to my blog, just for the sake of completeness.
I love reading your blog but I have to do it in spurts because sometimes your blog freaks my computer out & opens up 1,000's of Be Different...Act Normal pages. :) But that's ok I still love it.
I have been following your blog for a while, love it.
My blog is http://www.atkinsattitude.blogspot.com/
I just found your blog last week and am loving it! :)
I am completely addicted. There are soooo many good ideas that I just don't know where to start!
I read your blog quite a bit, it is definately one of my favorites! I love how you do your blog, it's nice to have all these great idea's with a link to read the tutorial. I feel like it makes it easier to find idea's since there is less writing. Thank you! Feel free to check out my blog: www.jenwestern.blogspot.com :)
One of my friends suggested your blog to me and I've been following it for months!
My blog is: http://2009rogersfamilyblog.blogspot.com/
(crafty & domestic goddess stuff, family, etc)
love this blog! thanks for keeping updated! rachelchild.blogspot.com
Wow! What a turn-out!
You know I love you and your blog!!
i love your blog. i was able to decide what to do for my baby's first birthday from this blog. (not until november) the hungry caterpillar party! and many projects i love and tell myself i will do but probably won't!
I have been reading your blog for some time now. It is one of my favorites.
I read your blog once or twice a week - love it :)
I keep two...my family blog is moodyjournal.blogspot.com and i have my own little craft blog at moodygirlprojects.blogspot.com
Of course I read your blog - I love it so much I had to feature you in my blogs I adore series.
You know I blog stalk you baby...
yours is one of the few I check daily! great stuff -- thanks!!! :)
Love the ideas! Love the personality that comes out with it. My 2 blogs are www.dinnercelebration.blogspot.com and www.5flavorsinthecastle.blogspot.com. This huge list of readers ought to keep you going for quite some time. Thanks again for the good work.
Hey Lorie! My name is Nicole Ray and I am related to Michelle Ray and heard her talk about you and just had to check out your blog! Thank you because you have given me so many ideas I don't have time to do all of them! My blog is
Hi I'm Kristie. love your blog!
Hey, me again, love your design ideas and party ideas--especially for little ones in school! Hope you have a great day!
Love your Blog! I'm so busy I don't always get the chance to come visit. But I appreciate all the wonderful ideas that you share.
Yep. Reading via Google Reader...love your blog! http://simplyamusingblog.blogspot.com is the link to my blog.
I love looking at your blog! You are so creative! Love It!
I come here every day! It's part of my morning ritual!
OMG! How do 185 people come by but hardly ever say hello. Makes me want to see how many actually read mine. That is so cool.
You know I read!
I drift through every now and then. Your brownies always look so tasty :)
I love your blog! I'm at www.happilyeverlaughter.blogspot.com
I do love your blog and am so glad that I found it as I was blog-hopping one day. My blog is: www.katiephelps.com
yup, i read your blog.
what the duke??? you had 191 comments on this one!! i want 191 comments! sigh
Hello......totally delurking....you caught me! I do have a blog but I haven't been writing for a few months. I needed a break but am thinking I"ll pick it up again when school starts next month.
I love all the tips and ideas you share! Thanks for the fun!
I read your blog daily! somedaycrafts.blogspot.com
I love reading your blog! I check it every day!
Love your blog. Read it every time I get on the computer! My blog is thecraftpatch.blogspot.com.
197! I read, I read! www.natthefatrat.com
Like the rest...I love your blog! So many ideas! So fun! Thanks!
I don't know if I have commented before, but since you asked I will. I love your blog.
I'm at www.decorating-ideas.blogspot.com
I totally love you blog! I have a fairly new baby so I am bookmarking lots of crafts that I hope to accomplish someday! ha ha!
I love your blog! I read it for ideas ALL the time! My blog is www.justinntatum.blogspot.com
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