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Plain Shirt to Cute Shirt

If you are handy with a sewing machine, you might like this tutorial from Moon>Sun. She turned this shirt:

Into this much cuter shirt:

I may have to give it a shot with one of the boys old shirts...see if I can make it into something Lou La will wear!


Amie said...

That IS cute. But if you want to see something even cuter, go look at my friend Christy's blog and see what SHE did!

Loralee and the gang... said...

Cute! if I had an unSTAINED old shirt from one of my boys, that would be a miracle. But it would be great to turn an inexpensive T into a cute number like that fro my girly-girl!

Anonymous said...

oh that is cute! I was wondering what it was going to look like!

Lynn said...

I really like that, because often little girls' shirts are so much more expensive than little boys' shirts.