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A Minute To Remember

I hope you are looking forward to 2009. But take a minute today to remember (and even write down) the great things about 2008.

What is your favorite memory from this last year?


Supercool Hotmama said...

Happy Birthday!!! Hope you're having a fun one!

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness, we are only one day into the new year and I have already forgotten everything from last year!!!

Those cupcakes below look so good. My mom bought my daughter that cupcake cookbook you featured a while back.

We can't wait to try some of the fun cakes. I'm sure they won't look anything like the book!

Lorie said...

Oh! Which one? Confetti Cakes? I hope she likes it!!

Anonymous said...

We had a lot of fun times in 2008 but my favorite was meeting my nephew, seeing my niece and ex sister in law again. That was a dream come true!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

You're a New Year's baby?! Fabulous!! Happy birthday.

I have great memories of this started with the Giants winning the Super Bowl and ended with a new President being elected.

Have a wonderful, healthy, and prosperous 2009!

Anonymous said...

I know this will sound "weird" since I had 2 miscarriages this past year...but my favorite memories were the two times I found out I was pregnant. It was instant happiness!