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Happy Birthday to Me!!

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy New Year to YOU!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a great day!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

A New Year's Baby! I don't think that I have ever met anyone who celebrates on New Year's Day. What fun! A very happy, happy birthday and new year to you today.

What will you be doing that is new in honor of your big day?


TidyMom said...

Happy Birthday Lorie!!! Hope you have a wonderful special day and awesome New Year!!


Rae said...

Happy, happy birthday! May your every wish come true!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, and Happy New Year!!

Lorie said...

Thank you! And Happy New Year to all of you!!

Francesca, I don't think we will be doing too much today! Stayed up WAY too late with friends last night! But I am happy to celebrate the day before!

Today we will sleep (hopefully!!)

Kristina P. said...

Happy Birthday, Lorie!!

pink and green mama MaryLea said...

Happy Birthday! Here's to another great year!

Alison said...

Have a wonderful birthday!!!!!

m = michelle said...


Jillene said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope it is a GREAT one!!

Me (aka Danielle) said...

Happy Birthday!!

Brooks said...

Happy Birthday!!

Amie said...

today's your birthday? It's my friend Chris' birthday too, and our friend Christine just had her baby this morning at 3:31 am. Happy birthday to you all!

Anonymous said...

A very happy birthday to a New Year's baby! 8)

Cupcake Dessert said...

Happy Birthday!! And Happy 2009!!!!

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

Happy Birthday and Happy New Year too! I love those cute cupcakes!

Jennifer said...

have a very happy birthday

with love, r said...

Happy B-Day!!!

Carrie said...


Amy said...

Happy Birthday! (I finally just got caught up reading all your posts from this past month!)