Ever since The Boy played Rock Band for the first time (actually I think he played Guitar Hero World Tour first...but you get the idea) he has fallen in love with drumming.
Lucky Me!
We are sticking to the piano for now, but that didn't stop me from letting him get a set of drum sticks at Disneyland when we were there this fall. And it probably won't stop me from buying these pencils from Perpetual Kid:
I'd totally put those pencils to use myself. I might even take lessons with those.
Those are pretty cool! I'm not much into drumming..but who doesn't tap their pencil on things anyways. I like them!
Very cute!! Maybe that would keep my from chewing on the ends...?
Those pencils are AWESOME!! My son would LOVE LOVE them!! I think I will be ordering them for his birthday in April!!
My Oliver is an excellent drummer! When he's not on his set, he's drumming on everything, much to the dismay of his teachers. He would love these, thanks for the link.
That's too cute. I have to remember that when my little guy gets into the drumming phase. Right now it's guitar!
Perfect gift idea for someone I know--perfect! Thanks!
These are very cute!
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