You make felt stockings (only Martha would think it was a good idea to make them in white...) and each year you add a felt shape to them that symbolizes something that happened that year.
Only problem is do I start everyone with this year, or do I add shapes for the years we didn't have the stocking?
I would just start with this year. No need to go backwards--just onward and upward!!
Cute idea.. but I would not use white!
LOL...you think far too much!
Love it...that Martha is too smart :)
I could see how I could adapt this for my son...I think it is a great idea! This year was definitely the year of the Monster Truck!
By the way, I am running a giveaway over at my blog if you are interested. The prize is a $20 Target gift card!
I used to just add little buttons or charms to ours...stopped doing it when it became weird to add/difficult to find stuff for the boy's stockings!
great idea! (not so much the white!)
Very cute stockings.
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