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Pilgrim Hat Treats Take 2

Michelle at Sribbit came up with this idea and I thought I would post them because they would be a little easier than the other ones I posted. You know, in case you are running out of time and don't have time to dip marshmallows in chocolate. And these have peanut butter cups on them! Can't go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate!


Kristina P. said...

So cute!

Anonymous said...

Those look so yummy!

Amy said...


rychelle said...

those look great. and easy enough, even for me. ;)

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome! I love 'em!!! I think I over-baked yesterday between work and home (carrot cake, pumpkin chocolate chip break-twice, porkchops, bacon potato corn chowder, homemade bailey's irish creme-twice, chocolate chip cookies, spagetti...yes, all in one day) otherwise I'd try those today!

Brooke said...

Yum! I have also seen the cookie part as a fudge stripe cookie.

julie said...

Mmmm, or you could just eat all the peanut butter cups. Which is what I would do, while reading the recipe. That's almost the same thing, right?

Jenners said...

You have the best stuff! I think my son and husband would love these...and they seem like they are something I could maybe pull off!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Funny, I made similar ones last night & posted 'em. I just didn't do the ring around the bottom. These are all over the web & very cute!

Lise said...

See, here's the problem with being pregnant and looking at your page. Now I need peanut butter cups. No really. I NEED them. Ugh. Fry's, here I come!

Anonymous said...

Those look so cute. I'll have to try something like that. My little guy likes to help in the kitchen and I think these would be so much fun for him.

Anonymous said...

That has got to be the best thing I've ever seen. I'll have to steal that for next year.