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Button Wreath

These wreaths from Martha are going to find a new home on my tree this year. I just need to remember the website that sold buttons in bulk! Or find some at a craft store.

What you need:
Needle-nose pliers or wire cutters
16-gauge copper wire ( or 22-gauge green floral wire) cut to 9-inch lengths
72 buttons for each wreath
Satin ribbon, 1/8 inch wide and 6 inches long
Seam binding for decorative bow

What You DO
Using pliers, make a small loop at one end of the wire. Thread buttons onto the wire until you have enough to form the size of the wreath you want. Using the pliers, bend the plain end of the wire around the looped end, forming the buttons into a circle. Make a loop with the ribbon to hang the wreath and then use seam binding to tie a bow.

That is it! Pretty easy and so so SO cute!!


Elise said...

Hey Lorie!! I have no idea how you found my blog, but I am glad you did. I will definitely be visiting you again!!
Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you found my blog! I'm adding you to my blogroll!

What a precious idea!

Aimee said...

Hi Lorie. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :-) How did you find me? I look forward to reading your blog. I'm going to add it to my GR!

Jenners said...

I think I could pull this one off! Very cute! I'm definitely going to try it!

thanks for visiting my blog earlier...much appreciated!

Carrie said...

How cute!! I'm running downstairs to my scraproom to make one right now! :)

Lorie said...

I guess you can tell I spent last night blog hopping! ;D

littlesack said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. Your craft ideas are too cute! I can't wait to pick a few out to do with my younger cousin

Kim Hancock said...

I'm so glad you found my blog. I love your blog and have enjoyed going back through some of your older posts. I will definitely be doing some of the projects you've posted.

Kacey said...

SOOOO CUTE! I LOVE button so I will be doing this for sure. I started my ribbon wreath but need to go back to the store to buy more ribbon. I didn't get enough. But it is going to be super cute!

Letti said...

I love this idea and I think I will try and make it. Thanks for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the prettiest ornaments! I would love to try this.

Amy said...

Too cute! What a great idea!

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

I LOVE THESE! THANKS! This may be on my page too, of course linked to you!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

This are so adorable!! I'm definitely going to make some of these.