
Tissue Paper Flower Headboard

I found this tissue paper headboard idea from Baby Night Night Boutique on One Pretty Thing:

This probably wouldn't last long in my house, but I think this is the PERFECT backdrop for a party dessert table.  Red and green for a Christmas party anyone?

If you don't know how to make these cute tissue paper pom poms, I posted about them HERE.  They are so easy and fun to make.  You can even layer the colors.  I made candy corn pom poms for the tables at our Fall Festival, unfortunately I didn't take a single picture that night to show you how cute they were.


  1. That is such a sweet idea! I'm a newlywed and always trying to think of ways to make our bedroom more romantic. This would definitely work!

  2. HI HI!!! I am your newest follower. What a clever idea. I remember making these in the samll version in high school for the floats :)This would be so great in a little girls room, in girly colors. Luvs! I have a boy so I can't do this stuff. But I sure like looking.

    I am looking forward to seeing what other goodies you have on here for me to take a gander at.
    I would love to have you join my blog also.
    thanks :)

  3. I am giggling because in my reader I thought it said "headband" and was thinking yeah not in Seattle!

  4. Great idears!! I'd love you to hear your suggestions and follow my progress.... =)



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