
Cocoa Dusting

I love this idea from How About Orange:

She cut a stencil out of an old lid and used it to dust cocoa on top of a Latte for her Hubby. I think this would be so fun to do for the kids. But with hot cocoa and whipped cream. I think I should be able to make a Christmas tree stencil pretty easily. Or a leaf for Fall. That is once it actually gets cold enough to drink cocoa around here!


  1. that's adorable, I would have NEVER thought of something like that.

  2. Love this, I'm so going to do it. Oh by the way thanks so much for the heads up on the $10 off coupon for Up, I went tonight and saved a ton. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  3. VERY cute idea.

    pk @ Room Remix

  4. We have a tradition in our family of having "Christmas Cocoa," which is hot cocoa with whipped cream AND sprinkles. I'm thinking I could use a stencil with sprinkles!

  5. I LOVE this!!

  6. I would have NEVER thought of something like that. Work From Home

  7. That is so neat! I've linked this idea up to you in my Fri Nov 13 Today's Hot Find. :)



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